Please sign my petition!
Recently, the US gov approved funding for a “Manhattan Project National Historical Park.” We urge them to include prominent exhibits about the Downwinders. “Downwinders” are innocent people who lived near bomb-building plants, test-sites or dumping grounds, and were thereby poisoned by radiation. Many have died, but many are still alive and suffering from cancer and other debilitating diseases.
Please ALSO comment on the National Park Service website!
The National Park Service has posted a time-limited website for people to comment on the Agreement to form the Manhattan Project Historical Park. This is another place you can voice your concern for the Downwinders. We only have the opportunity to comment there until August 28, 2015.
You can learn all about the park and the reasons to include the Downwinders on the description, with more detail provided in my letter to Tracy Atkins, and Martha Crusius, who are directly involved in the Park’s planning.
The Agreement itself is not a planning document, but I feel the earlier we voice our concerns, the more likely we may be to be heard.
And thanks already to the many people who have provided personal notes on the Petition! I am so very moved. I sincerely hope the government will listen.
See my related post: “Drinking in Richland.”
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