On Dec 1-2, the University of Chicago commemorates the 75th anniversary of the first sustained nuclear chain reaction, Chicago Pile 1, led by Enrico Fermi, an event that ushered in the nuclear era. Amidst the planned commemoration activities, including the pyrotechnics of a multicolored mushroom cloud, the tolling of bells, and faculty organized events and… Read More »
Health Impacts of Radiation
Rocky Flats Downwinder Health Issues
Guest Blog by Tiffany Hansen Two years ago, in the dark basement in our Denver home, suffering from myriad aliments, some more visible than others, I had the “AH HA” Google-search moment of my life. After plugging in every symptom I’ve suffered along with the magic word ‘causes’ I discovered that I grew up downwind… Read More »
Manhattan Project Park: Petition for Downwinders!
Please sign my Change.org petition! Recently, the US gov approved funding for a “Manhattan Project National Historical Park.” We urge them to include prominent exhibits about the Downwinders. “Downwinders” are innocent people who lived near bomb-building plants, test-sites or dumping grounds, and were thereby poisoned by radiation. Many have died, but many are still alive and suffering from… Read More »
Fukushima Radiation Victims Speak
I urge everyone to purchase the newly translated collection of 50 stories and statements from Fukushima residents, called Fukushima Radiation: Will You Still Say No Crime Was Committed? Here’s the blurb I contributed to the book: Will You Still Say No Crime Was Committed? resounds with the anguished voices of deeply aggrieved mothers and fathers confronting… Read More »
Watch “Blind,” a Provocative Short Film from Japan
A devastating Fukushima-related cautionary student film. What would happen if Fukushima were right outside Tokyo?
I’m heading to Sacramento, CA, for the annual conference of the Hypoparathyroidism Association . “HypoPara,” as the condition is also known, is an uncommon disease, listed in the database of the National Organization of Rare Diseases (NORD ). Hypoparathyroidism can be inherited or, more commonly, can arise as a post-operative complication of thyroidectomy. That’s… Read More »
Atomic Bomb Detonated in New Mexico!
Can you imagine the outrage and fear if this headline were to appear today? The headline never ran—but the bombing was very real. The Bombing Happened. We Did It. Most people do not know that the first nuclear bomb exploded right here in the United States. That bomb, a US test, blasted huge about 35… Read More »
Fukushima Evacuees Need Another Option!
for a portion of Tamura, about 12 miles from the Fukushima nuclear plant. This allows about several hundred residents to return home. Fukushima Contamination Zones Repopulated Too Soon Government officials plan
On “Radiation Makes People Invisible” Part Two
Bo Jacobs eloquently described Downwinders’ feeling of invisibility in his recent three-part essay “Radiation Makes People Invisible.” I wrote a few reactions last week; here are more. You must read Dr. Jacob’s essay. On Discrimination Bo points out that people exposed to radiation, when relocated due to contamination of their home town, often experience discrimination… Read More »
On “Radiation Makes People Invisible” Part One
Living a Nightmare Being a radiation-exposed person is a nightmare from which I cannot wake up. But people like Dr. Bo Jacobs make me feel less alone. I feel so fortunate to know him, and to read his work. His recent three-part essay “Radiation Makes People Invisible” is marvelous. He gets it. You must read… Read More »