Please sign my petition! Recently, the US gov approved funding for a “Manhattan Project National Historical Park.” We urge them to include prominent exhibits about the Downwinders. “Downwinders” are innocent people who lived near bomb-building plants, test-sites or dumping grounds, and were thereby poisoned by radiation. Many have died, but many are still alive and suffering from… Read More »
Hanford Downwinders: Latino Farmworkers
Thank you so much to Ricardo Garcia, who has graciously contributed this guest post. Ricardo is a farmworker advocate and activist for the Yakima Valley in southeastern Washington, and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Radio KDNA, “the voice of the farmworker.” Hanford Downwinders: Latino Farmworkers by Ricardo García The agricultural industry expanded greatly during… Read More »
Saying Goodbye to the CREHST Museum
I visited the CREHST (Columbia River Exhibition of History, Science and Technology) Museum in Richland, WA just before its closure at end of January. I was distressed to learn that the new museum, the Hanford Reach Interpretive Center, which will open in July 2014, will include only the early Manhattan Project period in its displays.… Read More »